‘Anti-Dowry’?: The Effects of Student Loan Debt on Marriage and Childbearing

A study by religious conservatives fears the effects of student loan debt on families:

"Beyond theory, what statistics exist regarding the relation of student debt to family formation?"

"The traditional transition from adolescence to adulthood has been marked by finding a full-time job, leaving one’s childhood home, marrying, purchasing a new home, and having children. Increasingly, “the achievement of many of these markers is being delayed, or indeed, not reached at all,” with student loan debt a significant cause."

"There is also some new evidence suggesting that student loan debt encourages cohabitation at the expense of marriage."

• Overall, “Debt brought into marriage” was, out of the list of 42, the third most problematic issue facing all newlyweds.

• Among respondents who had no children, “Debt brought into marriage” was the second greatest problem.

For respondents ages 29 and below, “Debt brought into marriage” was rated first; i.e., as the most problematic issue they faced.

Respondents married one year or less also reported “Debt brought into marriage” as their most serious problem.

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